How to Stop Losing Your S#*% at Your Kids

Momming is not for the faint of heart. It demands an incredible amount of patience most humans don't possess.

It's hard not to go absolutely Bruce Banner balistic sometimes. This step-by-step guide will help you react patiently to your kids when you want to explode and/or run screaming from the room.

Your future self will thank you.
(As will your kids.)

De-Rage Yourself

Download the free, printable guide to
have more patience.

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    Free Printable Guide

    "Patience is one of the hardest things I personally deal with as a mom."

    "I loved these tips and humor around the daily struggle of existing in a never ending cycle of interruption and re-explaining why cats have whiskers. Snag this to get tons of practical methods to try and see what works for you."

    -- Kristine B.

    Your Free Guide Includes:

    • 15 strategies to be more patient as a mom
    • Easy-to-implement advice
    • Quick fixes (for when you need help RIGHT NOW)
    • Zero mom guilt